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Your Journey Begins Here

At Riverside Academy we utilize our 3-A’s Philosophy to educate each child. Academics, Arts and Athletics are the standards for molding well-rounded and enlightened students as they prepare for the next step in education and in life.

Riverside Academy 3A's Athletics

Our Philosophy

Children are the most precious assets of a family and our school. Riverside Academy is built upon the triple foundation of – scholarship, Christian character development, and education through dedication.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop each individual student into becoming a lifelong learner, to support students as they mature into responsible and moral individuals, and to dedicate ourselves to maintaining the highest academic standards in a family-oriented environment.

Rebel Expectations

               Respect everyone
               Elevate your standards
               Believe in yourself
               Excel in your attempts
               Learn something new
               Strive to be the best

Lifelong Learners

We are the only combination school, Pre-School (2, 3 and 4-year olds) through 12th grade, in the River Parishes. Riverside Academy offers a distinct curriculum for each grade level, as well as clubs, athletics, and multiple extra curricular activities in which each student is encouraged to join establishing a well rounded education as they prepare for their future.

332 Railroad Ave, Reserve, LA 70084

Phone: 985.536.4246     •     Fax: 985.536.2127     •     Facebook

We are an A+ School

Louisiana A+ Schools is a research-based whole school network with a mission of nurturing creativity in every learner through an arts-integrated school network.