Why Riverside Academy?

Thank you so much for your interest in Riverside Academy! This is truly a one of a kind place for your child to learn and grow in a safe and positive environment from the first time they step foot in our hallways to when they graduate. We want each student and parent to feel welcome and we hope you join us as part of the RA family.

Top 5 Reasons to be a Riverside Rebel:


  1. Lifelong Learners: We are the only PreK through 12th grade school in the River Parishes. Your child can remain at one location throughout his or her entire elementary, middle school and high school journey.
  2.  High Expectations: We challenge every student, every day. Each child is held to a standard to be the best they can be in all they do here at Riverside.
  3.  Academics, Arts, Athletics: Our 3-A’s Philosophy is the foundation in educating our students to be well-rounded individuals inside and beyond the classroom.
  4.  Community: Our school thrives within a strong, supportive community where everyone feels like part of the Riverside family.
  5.  Teachers: Our teachers don’t just teach. They mentor, support, encourage and challenge each student. They know each child by name and understand the dedication required to positively impact each individual student.